Friday, March 13, 2009

seven skirts rule

This one's for you, my mom friends.
And don't forget about Penny down there below this post. Help me find her a home!
The Seven Skirts Rule

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

So true, so beautiful. My heart breaks every time I read something from her about Ava. I can't imagine, every memory, every photo must hurt so much.

I just yelled at Macie yesterday for trying to wear her 2nd outfit of the day because I was tired of doing so much laundry, and it didn't match and it was too cold to wear it.
Being a mom sucks. Sometimes I don't even meet her (ava's mom) min requirements. We go to bed having had junk food, no bath and hating each other. Don't call CPS! I'm trying to get it together.