Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spinning Plates Syndrome

I always equate life to that trick where you try to keep all the plates spinning at the same time...and you know...it never quite works out for the spinner. Something drops. Something breaks. That is so me. I try and try and try...run to that plate...run to this plate...eventually I let them drop.

On that happy note ;-), let's review my 2009 Wishes so you get a goooooooooooood feeling for where I'm at and which plates have long since crashed.

1. Relax. R.E.L.A.X. (not my body - my mind.)
I'd give myself a C. I'm busy by choice and can't really relax with ease, but don't feel stressed which is good.
2. Organize my life just a wee bit more
B- (I'm doing sooooo good but have a ways to go before I get an A+)
3. Reduce, reuse, recycle! I can't believe our city doesn't offer curbside recycling. Travesty.
B- (The bins are in garage are slowly starting to fill up. Could have started earlier than we did. Totally buying second hand everything. Had garage sale, sold stuff on Craigslist.)
4. Be nicer to my dogs
D (There is just no time to give them!)
5. Meal plan on Sunday for the entire week
D- (Did this for a while, then got out of sync. Will recommit this weekend!)
6. Eat out less
A+ Yep. yep. yep.
7. Restructure my bidness
A+ Done.
8. Be firmer with the grandparents about my expectations for the kidlets. (Remember we see them a lot more than most peeps see their grandparents.)
B+ Yes, and no. It's a fine line to walk.
9. Get more exercise
F (I have the whole year, right?)
10. Spend less money
C (Well, I've picked up a few new artsy craftsy habits...)
11. Learn to sew (in progress!)
D+ (Remember that thingy majig I made? That was it. The end. I have hope to do more, but it might not be my thing.)
12. Craft more, make things (I used to love scrapbooking...then business got in the way)
C (Well, this is totally overtaking my life in a new inspirational way, but I'm more about gathering supplies than actually making anything so far. I have BIG plans though!)
13. Take pictures just for fun!
B- Was doing so good, then started back at photog work and it goes right out the window.
14. Take a self-portrait every day. Yikers, this will be hard.
F. Did this for like 2 weeks, and then I got bored. Done. Over.
15. De-clutter my life (this means YOU house)
A+++++++ Yes, there is a post coming soon all about this. I rule.
16. Make a garden
Incomplete: Coming soon, I hope!
17. LOTS LESS STARBUCKS (in progress!)
A+ Oh, hells yes.
18. No yelling at the Bean when she frustrates me to no end.
C (I have my slip ups, but for the most part I am holding it together and always trying to do better.)
19. Send out birthday greetings and prezzies ON TIME
F. Man I suck at this.

Okay. I'll be back again with more things I've been doing. Hugs!


Stephanie said...

I love the spinning plates analogy too. And, girl, all my plates crashed this week. There were too many being added. I managed to pick up one or two, but the rest are still shattered all around and I keep stepping on the broken glass. Ha! That was dramatic. Anyway, can't wait to hear and see how you decluttered.

Clarissa said...

LOVE THIS! sounds like you're doing GREAT! the pictures are beautiful! you and your girls look so happy!!! love it!