Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Touchy Feely Tuesday

Ya know what's touching me today? That horrible Air France plane crash that's what. The plane crashes that have happened in the last 6 months (remember the one that crashed over Buffalo?) and there was another one...I'm forgetting. These have all been affecting me in a not so sane way. Now this one.

If you didn't know, my number one fear in life besides losing a friend/immediate family member is flying. I'm the chick on the plane who does that highly annoying short but loud inhale (like you're about to hold your breath) when the plane makes the tiniest noise or hits the tiniest bump. If the plane makes a louder noise or hits a bigger bump fuggedaboutit. I'm loud. I've been known to whimper, scream, hide my face in my hands, ring the flight attendant bell in the middle of the take off ascent, claw Mike's arm until it bleeds and weep uncontrollably. All true.

The Buffalo crash and this latest crash have juuuuuuuust about sent me over the edge. I can imagine (and have imagined) myself on the planes and going through the terror. Well, it's unimaginable, but I've thought about it in vivid detail.

I'm about to go John Madden and take a bus everywhere I need to travel. I'm really not joking. I realize this limits my travelling future quite a bit but I think stepping on a plane would take a year or so off my life because of the stress.

What's your biggest fear? Or are you too healthy for such nonsense?

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