Friday, February 27, 2009

Livin' la vida loca!

Hey Y'all,

So, baby Natalie is walking now! I can't believe it. Just wow. Her first birthday is next Thursday. Here's a confession for ya: I would love four (4) more Natalies. Ha!

Lily got tubes in her ears yesterday morning...she did great and doc said it was so important we did it. Her ears were clogged with....wait for it....

MUCOID. Yum. Like glue. In her ears. No wonder she said what?? all the damn time. Poor thing.

Natalie has been sick for going on a full week. Nasty nasty cold that just won't quit and to top it off she has barfed all over me, twice in the last 24 hours. Yummy curdled milk chunks.

Are you still with me? Sorry for the grossology.

Confession 2: I've broken my no spending manifesto. Here's what I've bought, with our GARAGE SALE dinero. Remember I told you about the garage sale? It was fairly successful! Between that and my craigslist listings, I've raked in about $400+ this week! So, here's my purchases:
1. Two new bras, professionally fitted, snug, supportive and ohmygod I feel like a new woman. I've been living in nursing bras for too long now ;-) And I told y'all I've lost weight recently...right? Down 13 pounds now. Yay! So my *girls* needed proper restraint.
2. Art supplies. I've signed up for an online class that teaches you all about art journalling.
3. itunes music: A Fine Frenzy, Amy Seely, and Meiko.
4. Magazine: Artful Blogging
I think that's all I've bought besides the necessesities. Not too terrible. Right? Riiiiight?

I made one other resolution that I didn't put in my list, but it is definitely something I'm sticking to. Clothes. Clothes and I don't get along. I don't know what to buy to fit my body type. I buy things straight off the rack without trying them on, I buy cheap crap from the usual suspects (Old Navy, Target, Wal-Mart (!!!!)) and expect to look like Heidi Klum. So my resolution is that I would not buy anything else until I find out what works for me. So before our major economic emergency, I had found this website. I bought her personalized look book for $38. I got it last week and it's cute and helpful. I really like it and will begin to rebuild my wardrobe one piece at a time. Starting with the aforementioned under garments. You should try a look book if you have a few extra bucks.

Whew. This is longer than I thought it would be. More soon from mi vida loca.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Analyze This.

So last night I had a super cool dream. I, Sara Moon, was a humpback whale. I was swimming all alone until I saw another humpback whale a good distance away. I chased it down and to get its attention I would blow air out my spout. I can vividly remember trying to suck in enough air to make the burst of air and water go high enough and have get the other whale's attention. I did this over and over. I (me as whale) was swimming super fast and next to me, trying to keep up in the water, were two of my dogs (Abby and Luna).
That's kind of all I remember.
I haven't remembered a dream in a long, long time and then to remember one in which I was a whale and remember it so vividly. Kinda cool. Had to share!

Friday, February 20, 2009

uh huh. this is good. (farrell!)

Come On, Come Out


I never should have moved back from Portland, OR.
It just might be the coolest place in the universe (that I NEVER and I do mean never fit into.)
But it's got mad coolness going on.
Another grrrrrrrrrrrreat decision in life.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Absent (and a giveaway)

Ooooh, I feel like I have been absent from both of my blogs lately. I guess I am so busy away from the computer that it has just passed me by. Here is what I have been up to: (I love listing things out. Makes me feel I don't have to be a good writer - which I'm so not.)
1. Mending proverbial fences.
2. The biggest time sucker in my life right now is decluttering my home! I have just about finished the whole house, and I do mean whole house. Closets, drawers, attics, garages, shelves. You name it, I've been through it. I'm having a GARAGE SALE this Saturday morning to get rid of everything I don't LOVE or USE. Mike even got in on the action and I am getting him to go through his boxes from college.
3. Organizing my days. I'm trying to find a rythym for my daily life. When should I clean, do laundry, play with Lily, feed the dogs, etc. Sounds so ridiculous, I know. Like, shouldn't I have this down by now? I'm 35 years old. But I don't. I'm very fly by the seat of my pants and it's taken its toll.
4. Various projects. I joined the Unravelling class (which is AWESOME! join the next session - do it!!) I am still working on the mini-journal class. I hated my last was so bad that I cannot show it. I'm so very rusty on scrappin. I am one week behind and hope to produce something showable for the question "If I could do it all again, would I change anything?" Jen Hunter and I have a little photo collaboration we're working on here. So, I'm a busy bee. I wish sometimes I could just relax.

Last, if you have gotten this far with my rambling, I have a silly, teeny, tiny giveaway. I have two things I don't use or want. Both brand new. They are free to a good home. Just be the first to leave a comment and I'll send them your way!

Thing the first: The non-planner datebook
Thing the second: Wheels Go Round Kindermusik cd

Monday, February 16, 2009


i've made the blog public once again. i joined the class i mentioned to you all (unravelling) and hope to be able to share with you all what i'm doing there and have the other members of the class come here to see more about who i am.

i've been unable to access the internet since friday and i am wigging out. hallelujah it's back.

happy monday everyone.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Many of you read Dooce, and if you don't, you must start now.

I popped over today and saw the latest picture of Chuck and it has officially made my day.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

to ponder

thanks for introducing me to this blog, jen.


i don't want to work (in order to make money) ever again.

(this is just a confession, not reality)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Here's what I want to do now...

I love the idea of rearranging my current decorations to create a whole new look for our house.

Stephanie M: Can you ask Priscilla if there is a name for this (what she does?) and if she knows anyone in Houston to refer me to?

Also, if any of you other blog readers can recommend how I might get started doing this or good design sites/mags/local people I would be so appreciative!

I have ZERO eye for style and ZERO budget, but high hopes!

Crafty How-Tos

Man do i love etsy. i want to marry etsy.

here is a great article with tons and tons and tons of links to crafting tutorials.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Good Taste

Here is a link to lots of free printables for Valentine's Day approved by a chick with good taste. So go get 'em.


Ooooh. I just am blank on what to talk about lately.


I'm out of ideas at the moment...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Handmade Toy Alliance: Let's Be Active!

Got this email from the Handmade Toy Alliance today:

Thank you for your continued support to Save Small Business from the CPSIA. It has been an active week. A stay of enforcement was issued by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) on Friday, January 30th. Although it has stayed enforcement of many provisions of the law, the CPSC has made it clear that they lack authority to fully correct the CPSIA. Urge Congress to provide the CPSC with guidance that will protect toymakers, thrift resellers, publishers, and clothing manufacturers from the unintended consequences of the CPSIA. A technical amendment, the CPSIA Regulatory Relief Bill, will be introduced on the Senate floor soon. It is important that we gain Senate support for this necessary legislation.

!!Here's what you can do:
1. Call your Senator (switchboard: 202-224-3121).
2. Identify yourself as a constituent and ask to speak with the Senator or the staff assistant who follows Commerce issues.
3. Ask him/her to co-sponsor the CPSIA Regulatory Relief Legislation, and tell them if they have questions about the legislation they can contact Tom Jones in Senator DeMint’s DC office at 202-224-6121. Tom’s email address is
4. Ask them to vote for the CPSIA Regulatory Relief legislation when it comes to the Senate floor, possibly as an amendment to the stimulus package as has been rumored.
5. Get five friends to do steps 1-4.
We need to show strong support of this amendment in order to get the Senate to pass it. To read the specifics of the amendment, go to:

We have also made strides in our intiative at We are in the final stages of teaming with a non profit agency and going forward with our national campaign to save small businesses.

There is a new petition that you can sign and send a letter to Congress. To see the petition, go to: Our blog posts have also begun. View these at: .Thank you again for your support. Our grassroots campaign would never have gotten as far as it has without the support of people like you.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

For Lily (inspired by Ava)

So, two years ago today, we (members of an online photography forum started by Jinky) learned that the beloved daughter of one of our forum members, Sheye Rosemeyer, died tragically. It was stunning, shocking, unbelievable, heartbreaking, inconceivable, and frightening. And oh so much more.

I can honestly say, honestly, that never a day goes by that I don't think of Sheye and her Ava. It was just one of those events that burned itself deeply into my core. Lily is at the exact age (and I do mean exact) that Ava was two years ago today.

How could I...what would I...but she...

Many times what brings me back to my senses in regard to parenting is this experience, this memory, this family, this mom.

And here is my 50 Things list (specfically about Lily) inspired by Sheye and honoring Ava.

50 Things I Love About Lily
On February 5th 2009
(in honor of Sheye and Ava Rosemeyer)

1. you are never, and i mean never boring.
2. your hair is golden and shiny and totally reminds me of goldilocks.
3. you wake up talking. seriously.
4. you are not a girly girl.
5. you love to dance
6. you love to sing and can carry a tune like nobody’s business
7. your imagination is blossoming and running wild. go go go!!
8. you adore being outside – just about all the world’s problems can be solved if we just go outside.
9. you love to be with other kids and are not shy to just jump right in and play
10. you have a great sense of humor, like your dad (and unlike me – yay!)
11. you have the most beautiful eyes – green, deep, big, great lashes.
12. okay, okay, I think you are gorgeous
13. but what is more important than being gorgeous is that you are
14. your vocabulary and way of speaking is remarkable
15. you hold onto our bedtime ritual like nobody’s business
16. you tell me you love me out of the clear blue (and I think you know what love means)
17. you respect my photography passion (you don’t bother my camera, or my work, and realize it is part of who mommy is)
18. you never ask for our adult drinks, you understand they are not for you
19. you eat all sorts of veggies and fruits and will always try new things
20. you seem to love all the grandparents equally ;-) happy to go with them, never clingy to us
21. really, truly, you never ever try to be naughty. You are almost a goody two shoes, very honest and don’t go looking for trouble.
22. you love school (all of them – ha!)
23. you are a great sleeper
24. you use your hands when you talk (v.cute)
25. you are sooooooooooooooooooooo dramatic
26. you seem to “get” it. I can explain things to you.
27. you love your gigi. It is quite the special relationship.
28. the way you twirl (?) your fingers around gigi’s neck as a subconscious comfort technique.
29. your laugh…especially when tickled under your chin
30. seeing you in a favorite outfit
31. you don’t beg for stuff at any stores we go to
32. you love to play in “forts”
33. you’re not really bothered by the attention that Natalie gets
34. you love to get in natalie’s crib and hop around with her
35. you put on performances for us (snow queen!) and loooove to be announced “Presenting, Miss Lily Moon!”
36. you let Daddy tease you and toss you around without wimping out
37. your cute little body. It’s beautiful and perfect.
38. your chin. It’s cute and kinda pointy and squeezable.
39. you like to snuggle and get kisses and hugs
40. you remember everything. And bring it up at the weirdest times.
41. you love each and every stuffed animal you own and want to name them all susan. They are your best friends and you play with them, sleep with them, and talk to them. But gigi is still number one.
42. you can pretend so well!!! And don’t mind when I tell to you “just pretend”. Some kids hate to pretend.
43. you have a very strong attachment to me and I can feel it
44. you love to watch yourself on videos
45. you don’t mind talking on the phone. I hated it as a kid (and still do!)
46. you take no for an answer most all of the time
47. you have opinions and voice them
48. you don’t mind taking medicine, or going to the doctor
49. i love your name like to hold hands

while in the drivers seat directly in front of her, i put my camera up over my head and blindly took this (because she asked me to). i wasn't even looking at her or knowing what i was shooting exactly, but she smiled like a pro into a big black lens inches from her face and it came out perfect. she's perfect. (on our way to dance class.)
upside down lily

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I *heart* Shabby Chic

I adore all things Shabby Chic, even though I didn't realize it was a brand so much as a look.
I read this whole article and it is so full of grace and humility. Makes me sad for Rachel Ashwell, but I think she will end up being just fine.
Carry on, Shabby Chic, carry on.

A Christening

Raise your hand right now if you have never had to take apart a car seat that has been completely covered in puke.

Now I will take my hand, raise it in the air and give you the bird, because:


Natalie christened her brand new carseat yesterday.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Valentine Projects (& stuff)

Some of you, like me, have mentioned that you're getting kinda crafty lately. Last week I had a link up above in my Internet Finds to a crafty blog called How About Orange. I love that blog b/c it has so many links to projects and ideas. There is a post up today with all sorts of Valentine projects. Some look easy (yay easy!) And Steph, she has a new link up for fabrics. I know you are into fabrics!

Some Sara Moon Photography news: I have updated ALL the pictures on my business website and the headers on my blog (there are 11 that scroll through). I am so proud of them all. Go take a peek to give me some internet traffic and let me know your thoughts. The album company I use sent out an email blast and used one of my albums in the announcement. I was proud! Here it is: (those cherubs are the twins of one of our Noodle and Bean readers - Hi Jennifer!)

Last, Clarissa, saw this on Decor8 and it reminded me of you immediately.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Honoring Ava

This week will mark the two years since Ava flew up to heaven on all of the pink balloons people around the world released for her.
I will post again this week about just what her story has meant to me.
For now, read this from her amazing mother. If you are willing, make your own list for your own child(ren).
I will do one and share it here.