Wednesday, February 11, 2009


i don't want to work (in order to make money) ever again.

(this is just a confession, not reality)


Allison said...

=D I second that conffession ^__^

Hey, ya know, I went all "woo woo" and now I'm in Sweden getting paid by the government to stay home with my kid and basically randomly attracting the things I need in daily life. Maybe there's something to all that "crap" lol

But seriously, focus on what you feel passionate about, simplify as much as you can, try to let go of worrying about where things are gonna come from and have more fun. . . you might be pleasantly surprised what comes your way.

Money is largely overated anyhow. . . I used to have plenty and a miserabl life. . . now I have almost none and I've never been richer or had my needs more fully met. Listen to your hippie heart. . . it's trying to tell you stuff ;-)

Stephanie said...

Me neither!

Clarissa said...

but ain't it grand when you can get paid to do something you truly truly love?!?! it's like a beautiful bonus!

m.e. said...

i don't necessarily want money, but i want satisfaction and to be fulfilled and to have an identity beyond my wifedom and motherdom. and i don't know if i can stay home and wash dishes everyday and do that. that's my confession. i also would like to lose 25 pounds overnight ;-)