Friday, February 27, 2009

Livin' la vida loca!

Hey Y'all,

So, baby Natalie is walking now! I can't believe it. Just wow. Her first birthday is next Thursday. Here's a confession for ya: I would love four (4) more Natalies. Ha!

Lily got tubes in her ears yesterday morning...she did great and doc said it was so important we did it. Her ears were clogged with....wait for it....

MUCOID. Yum. Like glue. In her ears. No wonder she said what?? all the damn time. Poor thing.

Natalie has been sick for going on a full week. Nasty nasty cold that just won't quit and to top it off she has barfed all over me, twice in the last 24 hours. Yummy curdled milk chunks.

Are you still with me? Sorry for the grossology.

Confession 2: I've broken my no spending manifesto. Here's what I've bought, with our GARAGE SALE dinero. Remember I told you about the garage sale? It was fairly successful! Between that and my craigslist listings, I've raked in about $400+ this week! So, here's my purchases:
1. Two new bras, professionally fitted, snug, supportive and ohmygod I feel like a new woman. I've been living in nursing bras for too long now ;-) And I told y'all I've lost weight recently...right? Down 13 pounds now. Yay! So my *girls* needed proper restraint.
2. Art supplies. I've signed up for an online class that teaches you all about art journalling.
3. itunes music: A Fine Frenzy, Amy Seely, and Meiko.
4. Magazine: Artful Blogging
I think that's all I've bought besides the necessesities. Not too terrible. Right? Riiiiight?

I made one other resolution that I didn't put in my list, but it is definitely something I'm sticking to. Clothes. Clothes and I don't get along. I don't know what to buy to fit my body type. I buy things straight off the rack without trying them on, I buy cheap crap from the usual suspects (Old Navy, Target, Wal-Mart (!!!!)) and expect to look like Heidi Klum. So my resolution is that I would not buy anything else until I find out what works for me. So before our major economic emergency, I had found this website. I bought her personalized look book for $38. I got it last week and it's cute and helpful. I really like it and will begin to rebuild my wardrobe one piece at a time. Starting with the aforementioned under garments. You should try a look book if you have a few extra bucks.

Whew. This is longer than I thought it would be. More soon from mi vida loca.


Clarissa said...

Poor Lily! Poor Natalie! Poor Sara being puked on! ICK! Hope all y'all are better soon!

Congrats on the garage sale! Sounds like you made some reasonable purchases. Then again, I can justify just about anything. ;)
Have you checked out it's free and fun! maybe use it with your look book?

ok, what are you doing to lose weight?? please don't tell me eating less and working out more. that just doesn't cut it with me. ;)

Dedicated Thriftster said...

Glad to hear Lily is doing well with the tubes & hope Natalie starts to feel better soon. I can't believe she is already turning 1!

I 2nd the wanting to know how you're doing the weight lost?

Stephanie said...

Poor Lily! Glad it went well. Macie's Dr said her "stuff" was the consistency of peanut butter. Yuck! Totally in the same boat as you on the clothes. Will check out that book!