Thursday, February 5, 2009

For Lily (inspired by Ava)

So, two years ago today, we (members of an online photography forum started by Jinky) learned that the beloved daughter of one of our forum members, Sheye Rosemeyer, died tragically. It was stunning, shocking, unbelievable, heartbreaking, inconceivable, and frightening. And oh so much more.

I can honestly say, honestly, that never a day goes by that I don't think of Sheye and her Ava. It was just one of those events that burned itself deeply into my core. Lily is at the exact age (and I do mean exact) that Ava was two years ago today.

How could I...what would I...but she...

Many times what brings me back to my senses in regard to parenting is this experience, this memory, this family, this mom.

And here is my 50 Things list (specfically about Lily) inspired by Sheye and honoring Ava.

50 Things I Love About Lily
On February 5th 2009
(in honor of Sheye and Ava Rosemeyer)

1. you are never, and i mean never boring.
2. your hair is golden and shiny and totally reminds me of goldilocks.
3. you wake up talking. seriously.
4. you are not a girly girl.
5. you love to dance
6. you love to sing and can carry a tune like nobody’s business
7. your imagination is blossoming and running wild. go go go!!
8. you adore being outside – just about all the world’s problems can be solved if we just go outside.
9. you love to be with other kids and are not shy to just jump right in and play
10. you have a great sense of humor, like your dad (and unlike me – yay!)
11. you have the most beautiful eyes – green, deep, big, great lashes.
12. okay, okay, I think you are gorgeous
13. but what is more important than being gorgeous is that you are
14. your vocabulary and way of speaking is remarkable
15. you hold onto our bedtime ritual like nobody’s business
16. you tell me you love me out of the clear blue (and I think you know what love means)
17. you respect my photography passion (you don’t bother my camera, or my work, and realize it is part of who mommy is)
18. you never ask for our adult drinks, you understand they are not for you
19. you eat all sorts of veggies and fruits and will always try new things
20. you seem to love all the grandparents equally ;-) happy to go with them, never clingy to us
21. really, truly, you never ever try to be naughty. You are almost a goody two shoes, very honest and don’t go looking for trouble.
22. you love school (all of them – ha!)
23. you are a great sleeper
24. you use your hands when you talk (v.cute)
25. you are sooooooooooooooooooooo dramatic
26. you seem to “get” it. I can explain things to you.
27. you love your gigi. It is quite the special relationship.
28. the way you twirl (?) your fingers around gigi’s neck as a subconscious comfort technique.
29. your laugh…especially when tickled under your chin
30. seeing you in a favorite outfit
31. you don’t beg for stuff at any stores we go to
32. you love to play in “forts”
33. you’re not really bothered by the attention that Natalie gets
34. you love to get in natalie’s crib and hop around with her
35. you put on performances for us (snow queen!) and loooove to be announced “Presenting, Miss Lily Moon!”
36. you let Daddy tease you and toss you around without wimping out
37. your cute little body. It’s beautiful and perfect.
38. your chin. It’s cute and kinda pointy and squeezable.
39. you like to snuggle and get kisses and hugs
40. you remember everything. And bring it up at the weirdest times.
41. you love each and every stuffed animal you own and want to name them all susan. They are your best friends and you play with them, sleep with them, and talk to them. But gigi is still number one.
42. you can pretend so well!!! And don’t mind when I tell to you “just pretend”. Some kids hate to pretend.
43. you have a very strong attachment to me and I can feel it
44. you love to watch yourself on videos
45. you don’t mind talking on the phone. I hated it as a kid (and still do!)
46. you take no for an answer most all of the time
47. you have opinions and voice them
48. you don’t mind taking medicine, or going to the doctor
49. i love your name like to hold hands

while in the drivers seat directly in front of her, i put my camera up over my head and blindly took this (because she asked me to). i wasn't even looking at her or knowing what i was shooting exactly, but she smiled like a pro into a big black lens inches from her face and it came out perfect. she's perfect. (on our way to dance class.)
upside down lily


Clarissa said...

wow. this is beautiful. thank you for posting. makes me get a little teary!! :)) you're such a good mom.

Stephanie said...

Beautiful Sara! I was thinking of my list in the car today. Need to make it soon. And, what a great picture. Just goes to show... you're a natural. Your pictures while driving and upside down are better than my best attempts. Ha!

Tonya said...

Wow! What a neat idea! I went on to Sheyes blog and just couldn't stop reading! What an incredible woman! What a sad story!, but what wonderful things have come from it all! I think I'll make my husband a "list" for valentines day. Sadly, I probably can't come up with 50 things, but I'll try for 20.