Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Valentine Projects (& stuff)

Some of you, like me, have mentioned that you're getting kinda crafty lately. Last week I had a link up above in my Internet Finds to a crafty blog called How About Orange. I love that blog b/c it has so many links to projects and ideas. There is a post up today with all sorts of Valentine projects. Some look easy (yay easy!) And Steph, she has a new link up for fabrics. I know you are into fabrics!

Some Sara Moon Photography news: I have updated ALL the pictures on my business website and the headers on my blog (there are 11 that scroll through). I am so proud of them all. Go take a peek to give me some internet traffic and let me know your thoughts. The album company I use sent out an email blast and used one of my albums in the announcement. I was proud! Here it is: (those cherubs are the twins of one of our Noodle and Bean readers - Hi Jennifer!)

Last, Clarissa, saw this on Decor8 and it reminded me of you immediately.


1 comment:

Clarissa said...

look at you rock the house! awesome!!