Thursday, May 21, 2009

Latest Drama (why me?)

i think i attract drama like flies to sh*T. so serious.

the latest?

lily's waldorf school is closing. yes, closing. how in love with her school was i? very.

actually it's merging with another school - that's not waldorf. WTF????

i'll keep you posted on the latest developments - because there are some and they are drama filled (not related to me, but in my orbit...)

i don't know if you remember a loooong time ago on noodle and bean i posted about this fabulous gym i joined? i was a member for exactly two weeks and it closed up shop OVERNIGHT. i was absolutely loving it. it was small, run by these amazing women, the gym was classes only! spinning, yoga, cardiofit, etc. they had a dispute with the landlord and had to immediately close up one weekend or lose all their equipment. anyway, i was soooooo loving it and excited and whammo. over.

now this school that i love and that there are EXACTLY ZERO others around like it. it's not like i can go to the waldorf school across the street. the only other waldorf school in texas is in Austin.

so, if this all falls through i am seriously considering moving. i want austin, mike wants portland, and our budget wants a trailer park.



Stephanie said...

I have been missing your blog! So sorry to hear the school is closing. Are you sure that it won't be good when it merges, maybe take its good influence with it? You know, our beloved Nature School almost closed for next season. I was devastated, b/c even though Macie is going to kindergarten, I wanted Maris to go when she is 3. They are making changes and staying open. You CANNOT move to Portland! I know I never see you anyway, but you just can't. Interested to hear the drama. Oh, also wanted to add... You are such a great mom, just remember that most of your kiddos' learning and all their values are going to come from what YOU teach them. A horrible parent can send their kid to the best school and the kid will still end up materialistic, bratty and uncultured. But, a good mom can send their kid to crap public school and they will turn out to be a caring, creative, enlightened adult. Just remember that. Having said that, I know how important a good school is too. I sympathize with the situation totally! (but not enuf for you to move to Portland..ha!)

Allison said...

We used to kill restaurants that same way when I was growing up. I lost count of how many. .. but we even killed RAX. . . do you remember RAX? Did they have it in TX I wonder. . . . they had all you can eat salad bar and kids paid by how many pounds they weighed. Derrick was tiny but ALWAYS hungry so mom used to take us there, pay the $1.20 or whatever it was it cost for Derrick and then we'd just sit there for a couple hours letting him load up. LOL They had awesome real milkshakes there too. . . I was bummed when we killed that one.

Anyhow, I'm sure that something good will come of this in the end. I'm keeping the woo woo positive! Good luck!

Swimming in Dookie said...

No, there's another Waldorf school in the Houston area. It's probably far for you...Spring Branch/Memorial area. Here's the site... I hope everything works out.