Monday, December 8, 2008

A Dancing Bean

Here is a video of Lily dancing...reminds me of the way Elaine Benes from Seinfeld danced. Ha! Also: still in love with herself. I guess I should hope she always is!

Lily Dances like Elaine from sara moon on Vimeo.


Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro said...

Gabe and I love it! We watched all your past videos, too. Keep 'em coming!

The Pollards said...

The funniest part is hearing you crack up in the background.

Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro said...

Okay, I see your "live feed" thingy and now you know I'm stalking you. Seriously, how do I subscribe so it's automatically sent to me and I don't have to check for your latest post every 10 minutes?! If you could post every 10 minutes that would be great. I love to read your stuff.