Monday, December 1, 2008

Rule 1,456: Never Turn Down a Cookie

This morning we were in a rush (as frickin' ususal) to get Lily to preschool by 8. We've gotten into the very bad habit of her not eating breakfast. Strike me dead, I know. Well, I fix things and she's not hungry that early...I've TRIED. Promise. So now, I just give her her daily heroin fix (juice) and she's good to go. In my pathetic attempt to get some food in her this morning, I offered her a chocolate gooey butter cookie to grab for the car ride. I even brought the plate down to her nose level so she could select said cookie herself.

Do you know what she said? "Mommy, cookies are NOT allowed at school." She turned her back on those cookies and walked away. Go figure.

Mind you these were the same cookies she was begging for last night. Mind you, the kid LIVES and DIES for chocolate. Can I get an amen, family? I think I might have a goody two shoes on my hands!! Repeat: I might have a goody two shoes! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a teacher, I LOVED the goody two shoes kids.


Unknown said...

You should totally make smoothies for her! You could make it up the night before. Jimmy and I drink a lot of smoothies cuz it's a good way for us to get some protein. We have spirulina powder which we throw in, dunno if you'd manage to get that one by her but even if not, juice, yogurt, banana and frozen fruit = YUMMMMY! aaand nutritious. It's worth a shot if you haven't tried it before. Heck, I forgot, you're in the states, you can BUY smoothie already made! lol

Hug the goody two shoes for me and her sister too!

Unknown said...


The soapnuts rock. The only problem they present is trying to find the little linnen pouch they are in when you transfer the clothes to the dryer. Dunno what the packaging says stateside but my organic grocer guy here uses them and told me I could reuse them at LEAST 3 times. He was totally right.