Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's So Clear Now

Lily gets a weekly class update sent home on Fridays. I was reading through it and check this out:

"We have been reviewing the numbers 0-9. Many of the children are still having difficulty recognizing these numbers. A great way to practice with them is by using flash cards, which we do during circle time. Assessments are in January, and we will be testing when we return from the holiday break."

ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????? There are so many things wrong with that paragraph. Let me count the ways.
1. My girl has known her numbers for over a year - so it ain't her who is "still having difficulty".
2. SO WHAT IF SHE IS STILL HAVING DIFFICULTY? She's three years old. And so is everyone else in the class. THEY'RE THREE YEARS OLD. I think they'll get it eventually.
3. Flash cards. They're using flash cards in a 3 year old class and want me to use them at home. Uh, how about no. How about we'll play with playdough and color and paint and sing and dance instead.
4. ASSESSMENTS. For 3 year olds. Testing. For 3 year olds. What are they going to tell me...that my 3 year old doesn't have her numbers memorized yet and by god, she's 3 already? That she needs to go to tutoring? That she's not smart enough?

I am ALL about education - but good gracious. I'll say it again - THEY ARE THREE YEARS OLD.

If all goes well, we'll be long gone from this school and baking bread and making soup and taking nature walks instead of using flash cards and taking tests, thankyouverymuch.


Stephanie said...

Ha! That's what you get for going to the fancy pants school. See, if you seek out the cheapest one that is only a block from your house, like I did, you get good quality supervised playtime. HA! The other "hippie" school sound fabulous! OH, and by the way.... Macie didn't know how to pick out the #12 in the airplane. Lovely.

Unknown said...

You know what I call that? :p

The universe giving you it's AMEN SISTA to your recent decision.


so I'll second that.. .

Amen Sista! =D

Clarissa said...

a-freakin-men to that!! flashcards, indeed! ridiculous. kids need play, play, play!!