Friday, December 19, 2008

Mr. Jingle

Mike's school has 3 "towers": Technology, Medical, and Professional. Each tower had a contest where the kids had to vote on a male and female teacher to be Mr. and Ms. Jingle. The criteria were the teacher had to be Friendly, Caring, and (aw geez, I'm forgetting.)

Guess who was voted Mr. Jingle???

I think we can make all sorts of jokes with the monniker Mr. Jingle!

Mikey's pretty hard on himself, so an external reward now and again is bound to make anyone feel good. I'm proud of him. This semester at school has been a rough one with the death of one of his favorite students. He's still affected by that everyday.

Anyway, give your hubby an extra hug today in honor of Mr. Jingle!


Clarissa said...

Congratulations!! Awesome teaching must run in y'all's family: you were teacher of the year and now mr. jingle! y'all rule!

Stephanie said...

Yea MIKE! That's great. Lord knows teacher don't get enuf credit!

Pacific Personal Training/CrossFit Hillsboro said...

Oh Chuck'll have a field day with that one! Seriously though, give him our love. Oh, wait, WE'LL DO IT OURSELVES IN 3 DAYS!!!!! Whoo Hooooooo!