Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2009 Wishes (Update)

1. Relax. R.E.L.A.X. (not my body - my mind.)
Not just yet...needs improvement
2. Organize my life just a wee bit more
Plans are in the works. I'm loving that Aussie guy Peter Walsh's strategies for organization. A while back I bought (used!) his book "It's All Too Much" and Mike and I are beginning the purge slowly, but surely.
3. Reduce, reuse, recycle! I can't believe our city doesn't offer curbside recycling. Travesty.
Mike is going to take our recycling to a place right by his school. I just need to find a sanitary way to organize the paper/plastic/glass b/c I can't buy any bins! I'd also like to compost. Any tips?
4. Be nicer to my dogs
Doing this.
5. Meal plan on Sunday for the entire week
Oh my goodness, yes, doing this and it really helps. Finally!
6. Eat out less
Uh, yes. How about never (unless my parents take us).
7. Restructure my bidness
Yes! Just worked out a plan yesterday and am getting feedback for it today on my forum. No idea if people want to pay for photography with the economy, but we'll see.
8. Be firmer with the grandparents about my expectations for the kidlets. (Remember we see them a lot more than most peeps see their grandparents.)
Yes and whining has begun (on their part). My mom thinks I'm nuts. She thinks I'm making a mistake limiting spending the night and overall reducing the amount of time Lily is away. Great.
9. Get more exercise
big, fat F on this one so far.
10. Spend less money
When there is none to spend this takes care of itself ;-)
11. Learn to sew (in progress!)
Am learning that sewing takes precision...something I am not, nor have I ever been good at. But I still like it and look forward to what I can make one day!
12. Craft more, make things (I used to love scrapbooking...then business got in the way)
Doing the journal thing, making waldorfy things with Lily - yes!
13. Take pictures just for fun!
Good heavens I've been a photographing fool lately. Am love love loving flickr. I finally see what all the fuss is about on there! Addicted.
14. Take a self-portrait every day. Yikers, this will be hard.
Bailed out on this and told you why in yesterday's post. Will do one a week.
15. De-clutter my life (this means YOU house)
See number 2
16. Make a garden
Gotta wait on this one. Tips Farrell and Stephanie??
17. LOTS LESS STARBUCKS (in progress!)
Totally. I still go, rarely, but am just using up gift cards.
18. No yelling at the Bean when she frustrates me to no end
This will be an ongoing work in progress as she is one tough cookie, but I am consciously trying to keep my cool. I only really lose it when she's mean to Natalie.
19. Send out birthday greetings and prezzies ON TIME
I don't think I'll ever get this one right.


Stephanie said...

Doing really well Sara! No tips on a garden, but I highly reccomend it! Ha. The compost would help out a bunch. Remember our compost pile in Austin? We just let stuff pile up in the kitchen until flies gathered and then someone took it out and threw it on top of the mound. I don't think anyone ever turned it over like your supposed to. We certainly nevered used it for anything. And, John always teases me that it was just a snack bar for the giant opposum we saw munchin on it one night. He always brings that up when I suggest we start one again. I need to do it though. Let me know how it goes, maybe you will be the inspiration I need to get me goin.

Allison said...

I got a subscription to one of my favorite US mags for christmas. They actually have a pretty useful website though. . .check out for lots of gardening, composting, sustainable living, getting more green, saving money tips!

Clarissa said...

impressive! you go!!