Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Painfully True

click to enlarge!


Clarissa said...

holy s***! That letter-writer is NUTS! She must be high, totally ignorant and/or kidding. I am endlessly impressed that moms manage to bathe/clothe/feed themselves. hats off to y'all mommies out there. that is one tough-ass job!!

Stephanie said...

I agree with Clarissa, but sadly I used to think just like the writer. Sometimes I still do. I think: What the heck did I do today and why didn't I accomplish anything I could point to and say "look, I did this today". Gotta go, Macie is crying and threatening to wake up Maris who just cried herself to sleep... HA!

m.e. said...

Oh, I just love this.

Grubilicious said...

This is awesome. I do not know how SAHMs do it. I truly don't. They are amazing. At work I sit at my desk all day, draft a few motions, talk to a few client, serve the web, and drink coffee. My real work begins the minute I walk in my house.

Stacy Mc

Grubilicious said...

By the way, I meant SURF the web. Not very "with it" today. :)

Tonya said...

I don't know how you all do it? It is seriously all I can do to keep up with myself, my dog and my husband....barely!