Monday, January 26, 2009

52 Q Mini-Journal (Q3)

So I did my third journal entry which was the question: "Do you believe in fairies?".

My tag is so ugly I cannot share.

However, my wording was something to the effect of: "Sadly, no. No fairies for me. I don't believe in ghosts (or angels - gasp!) either. Have never come close to any encounters, therefore, I cannot believe. For the sake of my girlies, I will pretend."

Not such a fun question last week. This week is, "When I look in my eyes I see ____________".

The frame of mind I'm in lately, this outta be interesting.

1 comment:

Clarissa said...

mine was a big fat, NO, and i'm bored by all things fairy--it's nerd and hippy.

or something along those lines. fairy s*** (in adults) makes my eyes roll.